Ayurvedic Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Ayurvedic Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

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Ayurvedic Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis is very important in the treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex and chronic disease, involving many systems. In Ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, diet advice is as important as Panchakarma therapy and the Ayurvedic medicines. Since Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease (long-standing), the dietary restrictions are to be observed for a long period of time as well.

Rheumatoid arthritis diet plan helps to –

  • Avoid worsening of joint pain, stiffness and swelling.
  • Avoid worsening of gastro – intestinal health.
  • Avoid ‘Ama’ formation – a state of impaired digestion and metabolism, which is the main cause for Rheumatoid arthritis, according to Ayurveda.
  • Avoid imbalance of Kapha and Vata, which in turn worsen stiffening, pain and inflammation.

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